Thursday, August 1, 2019

Get The Best Locksmith Service in Cumming, GA! Watch This!

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Cumming GA Locksmith is out meeting the many different locksmith needs of those in the Cumming, Georgia area and the surrounding Atlanta vicinity. We are experts at doing any kind of home, auto or business locksmith tasks you need done. 

Just a simple call to (770) 405-1810 gets you a regularly scheduled locksmith appointment or our 24/7 rapid dispatched emergency locksmith services. No matter whether you need a lock installed, upgraded or repaired; let Cumming’s most in-demand locksmith service take care of that task for you.

So call Cumming GA Locksmith at (770) 405-1810 for more information on our many diverse locksmith services or visit our website at

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lost Transponder Key

If you use a transponder key, you are probably like most people who don’t know how they ever lived without it. Many newer models of automobiles are designed to drive with a transponder key. This is the type of key that has a chip in it that communicates with a computer to identify you as the owner. Owners are able to start their engines, unlock their cars without having a key in the ignition or in the lock. All they need to do is point the transponder key in the direction of their car in order to receive a response. If your chip is not identified by the computer system it has been programmed to, you will not be able to access your car. The transponder key was the answer to eliminating car left. Auto theft has decreased drastically since the invention of the transponder key. A car thief needs to have the actual transponder key to steal your car. They are not able to hotwire the newer model automobiles to steal your car. A car thief is clever but he isn’t clever enough to figure out how to steal cars that use transponder keys. However, if you’re not careful, you might lose your key and it could fall into the hands of the wrong person.

You should definitely be concerned if you happen to lose your key. Today, with things being as fast-paced as they are, losing your car keys is not hard to do. If you’re a homemaker or head of the house, you already have a lot on your plate, more than you probably care to even think about. Most of us can’t even figure out how we get it all done. When you notice that you have lost your transponder key, don’t hesitate to give us a call at Cumming GA Locksmith. We can immediately send one of our locksmiths to where you are to program a new transponder key for you. Once the new key is programmed, your old key will not be able to open or start your car. This means that if you have lost your keys and they have fallen into the wrong hands, even if they find your car, the keys will not work. Just remember, if you have a spare transponder key; it will no longer work. You’ll need to get another transponder key as your spare key and also have it programmed.

Reporting Your Lost Key

There are numerous reasons to report your lost or stolen key to your local locksmith. The biggest reason is so that we can come and program another key for you. You don’t need to have a tow truck pick your car up and take it to a dealership to have someone program another key for you. A locksmith can do the same thing and they will come to your location to handle this for you. You don’t have to spend additional money having your car towed. You will not only have the expense of a towing service but you’ll pay a premium price to have another transponder key made at the dealership. Consider the amount of overhead that a dealership carries. They have to pay for this somehow and this is why you are charged more than you would be at a dealership than from a locksmith. Locksmiths don’t usually have as much to care for and this means savings are pass on to their customers. Some dealerships take full advantage of your situation and will charge you twice as much to have a new key made. Don’t let them, instead, report your situation to an auto mechanic and allow them to assist you in this capacity. Resist the temptation to have your car towed anywhere and just give our locksmiths a call.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Access Control

Access control is a fancy, modern day name for restricted access and crowd control. Picture yourself driving up to the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Can you park anywhere on the property or is parking restricted for certain folks? Can you enter that massive building and walk freely wherever you choose? Of course not! Your access is restricted by many things and the on-site security makes use of locks, guard stations, windshield stickers, CCTV, keypad devices, biometric entry systems and many other ways of controlling just who goes where. So what does any of this have to do with you? We see access control on a daily basis and once you learn to recognize it in its many forms, you’ll appreciate it all the more. Here at Cumming GA Locksmith we help individuals and local firms utilize access control for greater security and for better record keeping and overall organization. You don’t have to live in the Cumming, GA metro area to make access control work for you; just call your local full service locksmith shop and tell them what you have in mind; they’ll offer individualized and cost effective ways to use and benefit from access control in your home and business life.

Does access control really work?

It sure does! Like anything else though; you must use restricted access the way it was designed. Crossing boundaries and abusing access control can get you thrown out of a building, arrested and even killed if taken to the extremes! When you go to a concert or public performance, you automatically look for your assigned seat based on what your ticket says. You don’t even consider going backstage or sitting in a private box; those are good ways to have the bouncers show you to the door! Now, think of a business like a jeweler’s shop. As a customer, you know to stay behind the glass cases and not try and access the owner’s office or the locked vault in the back. These are forms of access control and are implemented for the good of all and for the sake of order, security and organization.
Go to any town in the world and you’ll see access control at work. You’ll notice it in hotels, grocery stores, restaurants, movie theaters, art galleries, apartment complexes, office buildings, nursing homes, fast food outlets, sports arenas, retail shops, amusement parks, credit unions, universities, warehouses, resorts, cruise ships, destination resorts and national parks! These places and many more just like them make use of access control methods involving alarms, posted signs, locks, security gates, fingerprint locks, security doors, badges, swipe cards, key codes, combination dials, scanners, panic devices, video surveillance, retina scanners, exit bars, deadbolts, peepholes, intercom systems, loudspeakers, CCTV and lots more!

Panic devices

Panic bars, also known as push bars, are a modern day wonder. They offer security, controlled crowd flow, ease of access and extra safety for anyone using them. In fact, they are so beneficial that many jurisdictions and building codes now require them. Panic bars are those horizontal metal bars that are on front and back doors. You see them everywhere including laundromats, movie theaters, shopping malls, hospitals, government offices, restaurants, convenience stores, gas stations, sports arenas and even nursing homes. By simply leaning on the spring loaded bar, you automatically unlock and open the door at the same time. There is no need for a key or to turn any knobs; just push and go! You’ll notice that panic bars usually don’t have a knob on the other side of the door as they are almost always used for exits and are not meant for two way traffic. Panic bars allow for faster and more even evacuation and their only drawback is that sometimes, they can lock-up and become stuck.


Keypad locks are also widely used in access control. You simply punch in your assigned number sequence and the door opens. You can see keypads in use in banks, call centers, restaurants, office buildings, hospitals, museums and nursing homes and on the back doors of many commercial locations including warehouses and storage facilities. There are no keys to lug around and a number sequence can be revoked and re-assigned for those that are terminated or promoted to a higher security status.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

10 Expert-Approved Home Security Tips for First-Time Homeowners


You bought your first home and you're thrilled! Just don't forget to close the garage door.

Buying your first home is an occasion worth celebrating. But before you get caught up in decorating and planning that housewarming party, it’s important to make certain your new home is secure.

New homeowners are especially vulnerable to security risks, as they are just beginning to learn about their new home and neighborhood. Get a head start with these 10 home security tips for first-time buyers from experts in the home security field.

1. Assess the security situation before you buy.
Aim to be an informed resident of your neighborhood before even moving in. Chris McGoey, president of McGoey Security Consulting, suggests to those still in the house-hunting phase to try to move into the best ZIP code you can afford.

“Neighborhoods with single-family homes usually have lower crime rates, while high-density housing areas with many rental apartments usually have higher crime rates,” he adds.

2. Take your neighborhood for a test drive.
Drive around the neighborhood during the day and at night, suggests David DeMille, online manager of A Secure Life. This allows you to gauge the happenings of your new neighborhood at different times of the day and week.

DeMille also advises new homeowners to get a feel for the day-to-day chatter on Nextdoor, a social network for neighborhoods.

3. Do your research.
SafeWise’s community safety consultant Sarah Brown suggests researching the area’s crime rates — for both property and violent crimes.

“You should also consider neighborhood watch programs and other city initiatives that may increase the safety of the neighborhood,” Brown notes, as even the safest neighborhoods are not immune to crime.

4. Meet your neighbors.
New homeowners should get acquainted with their neighborhood and neighbors, says Ralph Goodman, a lock and security expert with United Locksmith. Talking to your neighbors about neighborhood crime and safety will provide a sense of the kinds of security precautions needed in your home.

Getting to know your neighbors also leads to an increased awareness of trends in criminal behavior in your neighborhood, thus reducing the risk of being a victim, according to Chris LaNasa, director of product marketing for Vivint Smart Home.

Brown agrees, and adds: “New homeowners should meet their neighbors and then immediately get involved in neighborhood watch programs.”

McGoey even suggests considering turning one of your neighborhood watch meetings into a game — collectively assessing how neighbors might burglarize each other’s homes.

“It’s surprising how quickly they will spot your security flaws and bad habits, like leaving your garage door open,” he says.

5. Perform a home security audit.
After you’ve moved into your new home, DeMille advises homeowners to inspect all of the home’s entry points and identify any outdated or malfunctioning locks.

LaNasa recommends considering electronic door locks as you update your new home’s locks. “They give you the option to assign personalized key codes to others, allowing you to track the people going in and out of your home,” he says.

Goodman suggests specifically looking at locks to windows and rear doors, as well as your exterior and garage lights.

And don’t forget to re-code your garage door opener, reminds McGoey.

Brown echoes the need for a thorough home audit, cautioning new homeowners that many break-ins are by people who have had a chance to scope out your home.

“If you haven’t had a chance to find your weak spots, someone else will do it for you,” Brown warns.

6. Identify your local emergency services.
Once you’re aware of the kinds of crimes that occur in your area, Goodman advises new homeowners to then determine the proximity of emergency services to your neighborhood — and then work this information into your security and safety plans.

Furthermore, after neighborhood watch members are trained on what to do when suspicious activity is seen, they should know who to contact and what information should be provided when reporting crimes to authorities, LaNasa says.

7. Focus on prevention.
Even if you decide not to get a home security system, you can still address home security issues.

DeMille warns against showcasing valuables through open curtains and discarded packaging on the street. And McGoey suggests adding secondary blocking devices to sliding glass windows and doors so they can’t be easily forced open.

Additionally, LaNasa recommends securing your garage. “If a garage door is left open when you leave the house, your belongings and family become vulnerable,” he says.

He advises new homeowners to consider installing a garage door that can be controlled remotely via a smart home app. “If you find yourself second-guessing whether you actually closed the garage door when you left for the day, there’s no need to turn around,” notes LaNasa.

McGoey reminds first-time homeowners to be especially mindful of who enters your home, including service vendors, delivery persons, contractors, and even friends of your children.

“Once inside, they have a chance to look around for things worth stealing, and they can determine if your home security is real or fake,” he adds.

8. Shop around.
“The [home security] industry has a history of aggressive sales tactics, so it’s more important than ever to find a provider you feel comfortable working with that can offer advice and guidance without pushing a product,” says DeMille.

Assessing your family’s specific goals for a security system is key. “Are you looking to catch a burglar in real-time to contact police? You’ll probably want monitoring,” he says. DeMille also notes that those looking for a way to document evidence to provide to police may want a motion-sensing camera.

LaNasa favors a full smart home or security system, noting that they allow you to rely on cameras to keep an eye on your home’s surroundings and flag any unusual movement inside.

9. Don’t rule out DIY systems.
You can purchase a wireless alarm system without paying for installation or monthly monitoring. “If the alarm is activated, it triggers a loud siren, which is good enough to scare most burglars away,” McGoey notes.

He says the best part of any security system is the sign in the lawn advertising that you have a security system. “Many burglars will bypass your home due to the sign alone.”

10. Consider financial benefits.
Beyond the security benefits alone, a home security system also often bring you a home insurance discount of up to 10 percent. A reduced insurance rate is not a universal rule, however, and any possible deduction will vary by insurance provider, Goodman points out.

In addition to potential home insurance discounts, Goodman suggests taking into account that some home security systems help homeowners conserve energy costs, as they can be integrated with thermostats and outlets, and monitored remotely.

It’s all about preparedness
Ultimately, proper home security precautions stem from research and preventive actions. Take a critical look at your new neighborhood, home, and lifestyle to best determine your family’s specific security needs.

Article Source: 10 Expert-Approved Home Security Tips for First-Time Homeowners

Related article: Home Security Tips - Protect Your Home When You Are Away

If you need professional technicians to install the best security systems in your home, contact the locksmiths at

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

One critical thing every car owner needs to know to prevent theft

By Kevin Downey,


We've been telling you about always-on devices, like Amazon's virtual assistant Echo, that are always listening for your voice. We also told you how to turn them off, which in the case of Echo is simply by pressing the mute button when you don't want it listening to you.

But did you know your car is always listening, too? Well, not for your voice, but for an electronic signal. It might be the coded "unlock" signal from your electronic key fob. If it's a newer model, you might not have to press any buttons. Just approach your car and the doors will unlock. In some cars, the engine will even turn on.

If you have an automatic key fob, you know it's really convenient. If you've ever been carrying a baby, or grocery bags, it's really nice to be able to open the door without putting everything down to pull out your keys.

However, that convenience comes at a price. Specifically, the key fob's signal is easy for criminals to intercept. That lets them open your car without setting off any alarms. If you have a true keyless car model, they might be able to just drive away.

Let's look at how criminals pull this off and what you can do to keep your car safe.

How your car's security system works

As you've probably noticed, you can't just open your car with any old radio signal. You need your specific key fob to do the job, and there's a reason.

A traditional button-press key fob uses a computer chip to create a unique code that it sends to your car's security system. The car also has a chip using the same algorithm to generate codes. If the codes match up, then the car opens. There's a bit more to it than that, but that's basically how it works.

How criminals attack #1

Since each key fob/car security pair is unique, and each one can create billions of codes, hackers don't stand a chance. Or at least that was the theory. It turns out a popular system from Megamos Crypto isn't as secure everyone thought.

Researchers at Radboud University in the Netherlands and the University of Birmingham found that by intercepting the wireless signal just twice, they could narrow down the possible combinations from billions to just 200,000. After that, a computer can figure out the code in just half an hour and unlock the car.

In a real-world application, a thief could sit on a street gathering wireless signals as car owners enter and exit their vehicles. Then overnight they could steal a number of cars. Click here to find out if your car is at risk from this kind of attack.

Still, that takes a skilled car thief or hacker to carry out this kind of attack, so the odds of it happening to you are slim. However, thanks to always-on key fobs, there's another risk.

How criminals attack #2

Always-on key fobs present a serious weakness in your car's security. As long as your keys are in range, anyone can open the car and the system will think it's you. That's why newer models won't activate until they're within a foot.

However, for less than $100, criminals can get an amplifier. It picks up key fob signals up to 300 feet away, and then transmits them to your car. See the video below where criminals are breaking into keyless cars.

In other words, your keys could be in your house, and criminals could walk up to your car and open it. This isn't just a theory either; it's actually happening.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to keep hackers from stealing your signal. We're going to look at three of them.

Read more: One critical thing every car owner needs to know to prevent theft

Related article: How to prevent your car from theft??